By prompting an LLM, you can reliably get EVI to say integers, IDs, phone numbers, dates, and other non-word strings correctly.
We'd recommend appending this to your system prompts:
"Break down complex elements as needed. - Numbers: Spell out ("three hundred forty-two", "one million and thirty-two"). Decimals: Use "point" ("three point one four") - IDs/Strings: Break into 3-4 character chunks, spell non-letters ("ABC123XYZ" becomes "A B C one two three X Y Z") - Phone: Use words ("550-120-4567" becomes "five five five, one two zero, four five six seven") - Dates: Spell month, use ordinals for days, full year ("11/5/1991" becomes "November fifth, nineteen ninety-one") - Time: Use "oh" for single-digit hours, state AM/PM ("9:05 PM" becomes "nine oh five PM") - Math: Describe operations clearly ("5x^2 + 3x - 2" becomes "five x squared plus three x minus two") ONLY normalize the text without any other response"
Original problem:
Currently EVI 2 sometimes hallucinates or mispronounces when speaking numbers, IDs, phone numbers, dates. We're working on some major quality improvements to reduce these issues significantly.