*Updated with prompting fix* Improving EVI 2 pronunciation with integers, IDs, phone numbers, dates, and other non-word strings
Jeremy Hadfield
By prompting an LLM, you can reliably get EVI to say integers, IDs, phone numbers, dates, and other non-word strings correctly.
We'd recommend appending this to your system prompts:
"Break down complex elements as needed. - Numbers: Spell out ("three hundred forty-two", "one million and thirty-two"). Decimals: Use "point" ("three point one four") - IDs/Strings: Break into 3-4 character chunks, spell non-letters ("ABC123XYZ" becomes "A B C one two three X Y Z") - Phone: Use words ("550-120-4567" becomes "five five five, one two zero, four five six seven") - Dates: Spell month, use ordinals for days, full year ("11/5/1991" becomes "November fifth, nineteen ninety-one") - Time: Use "oh" for single-digit hours, state AM/PM ("9:05 PM" becomes "nine oh five PM") - Math: Describe operations clearly ("5x^2 + 3x - 2" becomes "five x squared plus three x minus two") ONLY normalize the text without any other response"
Original problem:
Currently EVI 2 sometimes hallucinates or mispronounces when speaking numbers, IDs, phone numbers, dates. We're working on some major quality improvements to reduce these issues significantly.
Jeremy Hadfield
Jeremy Hadfield
This issue with pronouncing unusual non-word strings has been resolved! EVI should be able to speak these correctly now. Please let us know if you encounter it again.
Joseph Muller
A few things I noticed:
- Sometimes EVI reads times as dollar amounts (ex. 1:00 pm is read as "one dollar PM"
- Sometimes it reads times incorrectly (ex. 1:00 pm is read as "1:30 pm")
Janet Ho
Joseph Muller Thanks for flagging this, we're looking into this issue and I saw your post on discord! Hang tight
Jeremy Hadfield
Hey Joseph Muller - we've improved this a lot. Could you test again and let us know if you don't notice the improvement?
Jeremy Hadfield
in progress